Sunday, December 5, 2010

A strange and fun holiday. - My weekend report.

I have not written anything here for a while now as I was busy with exams and just generally busy so today will probably a very long post.

I went away on Friday with 2 of my mates for a weekend getaway and at the end of the weekend I realized something is wrong with me, and that this weekend also ranked among one of the best holidays I have had in my life so far.

We arrived at our destination at about 5:30pm tired, but still ready to start having fun. Our first stop was at the local liqueur store to get some alcohol, wood and some meat for our barbeque and back we went to our room, started the fire and also started drinking.

NOT very interesting, but on Saturday things changed drastically!

Saturday morning we went to people my one friend knows(5sisters and their parents), and its probably some of the nicest, friendliest and lovingly people I have ever met.

(the girls are all basically the same age as me(25))

I met the people and the girls and their father invited us for a barbecue for the evening, then the sisters took us to a crocodile farm near the town where we stayed for almost 2 hours if I am not mistaken. (note to self: lookup crocodile evolution)

We decided not to wait another hour for the crocodiles feeding time so we went to play some paint ball at a local course. I have never played paint ball before and this was in the bush and I loved it! And I also crawled around the bush and quietly moving until I found somebody, I thought I looked pretty cool ;)

After the paint ball we went our separate ways to all go and clean up for the night ahead...

At about 7pm we went back to their place for a barbecue and lots of talking... for me it was strange to see how affection everyone in this family is: the way the parents treat their kids, telling each other how they love each other and all the hugging and kissing going on.

This was all strange to me in my family we hardly say "love you" to each other and hugging or kissing is non-existent! Some days my mom would sms me saying "night and love you", but kiss & hug me twice a year on Christmas and my birthday and that's how its always been. From what I know my grandparents treated my mom, uncles and aunts the same way. Also there is nothing wrong with my mom she is the kindest person I know and I know she loves us, but just can't show it with physical affection or say "I love you" like normal people.

And this weekend it felt very nice to be in and around such an atmosphere and something I would also like to have. They even gave me a hug when I left even though I was a bit uncomfortable with it, but non the less I liked it and something I could get used to. But I also realised that I really struggle to show this kind of affection towards others.

Anyway back to Saturday night... after eating and talking some more we went out for some drinks(me,friends and 4 of the sisters), after a few hours we went to a club (pretty normal young people stuff) and we got home at about 2am.

Sunday morning:

We went to say goodbye to the family we visited and they invited us to have Sunday lunch with them and again we had the great atmosphere and great people.

We finally decided to go home at about 3pm and after a long 3 hour trip back home, I finally got back home.

I guess what made this weekend great was the great people that we met. And yes I know how corny that sounds, but to me it was new and something I really liked and hope to someday have my own family similar to the people we met.

Anyways still a lot more that happened, but I am tired and still want to read an Elvis Cole novel.

Monday, November 8, 2010

Where is my miCoach?!

So I finally upgraded my phone and am now the proud owner of an HTC Desire, and yet I still need to use my BlackBerry. For reasons unknown to me Adidas have not yet created the application for phones running the Android operating system. There is also no way I can use another running program as in my opinion Adidas miCoach is the best running app around!

I am still busy with exams and during the exams I have screwed up my diet completely. I can't wait to finish exams and am really trying to stick to my eating plan. I am planning on finishing up my 5km runs after exams and then training for a 10km runs and then maybe enter a race, finally!

Feeling so jealous with regards to my running... I have to run through the neighborhood with no beautiful sights at all to see, and looking at some of the pictures on another runner's blog, I wish I could run there!

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Fantastic run... not so great study session.

First the bad news:

I only studied 2hours today for my Economics exam and didn't even open my Commercial law or Business management textbooks. Well as a promise to myself, tomorrow I will study at least 3 hours for each module.


Now the good news:

Today I had probably one of the best runs ever.

I started out slow wanting to turn around more with each stride I took, but with each stride I took, I also had more motivation to go on further. Later on I was thinking just until the end of the road then I will stop, start walking, turn around and head back home, but with each end of the road I got more energy to go on further.

The mind vs body battle

With each step further, I guess my mind finally won the battle over my tired body and my breathing went from a lot of huffing and puffing to a slow steady pace. Soon I was running through every road in my neighbourhood. Then I almost got lost and had no idea which road to take back home!

Unfortunately then I remembered what every running article I ever read said

'Only increase your distance by 10%'

So I started running back home, but I can't wait for tomorrow even though I know there will be some struggles, I am ready to take on the challenge of the road again.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Exciting times ahead.

So I did manage to run my 5km and have a new best time I am hoping to beat again soon. Its so awesome how running can change your mood... when I got home, I felt tired and not in the mood to study at all for my upcoming exams, and I forced myself to go and run today and I am very happy I did! I ran my 5km and after that I had a new burst of energy and started studying.

I do have a bit of stress though, a year ago I found a lump on my collarbone and went to the doctor, he told me its a spider bite and I have nothing to be worried about and he prescribed some medication. Well the lump is still there so I finally found the courage to make another appointment with another doctor today. I can't stop thinking that it might be the worst case scenario even though I have no other symptoms except the stupid lump.

Monday, October 11, 2010

Sometimes it can suck to be single...

Tonight I have been one of those depressing days where I am seriously considering getting a girlfriend...

So far I have managed to stay single and I really do enjoy being single, I just can't imagine me being in a serious relationship, I really do love my freedom too much.

My reason for staying single:

I can go out whenever I want! If I wan't to go out with some friends, I can talk to any girls I want and have fun without worrying about getting into trouble. I can stay out as long as I want and always do what I WANT TO DO. I just noticed this yesterday again, me and some of my mates were going out to play some golf and one of my friend's couldn't make it cos his girlfriend didn't want him going out.

We had a great time at the golf course and decided on a braai(bbq) afterwards, but one of my friends had to go as his girlfriend got angry. At the end of the night I just had one friend left and he is single.

My last reason I do like flirting and having fun with girls everytime we go out and then again that wouldn't be possible.

In other news, I feel a bit dissapointed in myself today as I only went to the gym today and did not even go cycling or running after work and also surfed the internet and watched tv instead of studying.

Hope I feel better tomorrow and am going to run 5km tomorrow and beat my previous best time!

Friday, October 8, 2010

Exercise and then study time

Had a killer session at the gym today and now time for a quick 5km run, then forcing myself to study for economics exam.

I emphasize enough how much running before the time helps me to concentrate and get me in the study "zone".

Hoping to study at least 2 hours for my economics and then another 1 or maybe 2 hours of business management.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Hello World!

My first blog post.

I have been toying with the idea of creating my own blog for a while now and finally my exams started so now I am procrastinating studies and created my blog.